Saturday, June 5, 2010

Today I teow you a story

This morning, I woke up upon hearing the sound of my phone alarm. Which was the tune of Bob Marley's Three Little Birds. Actually it was the song, because tunes don't have vocals and I'm quite sure that somebody's singing. Anyway reason for song choice is because the lyrics recursively asserts that everything's gonna be alright. It is a dishonest and unreliable assurance, but it is happy. I can live with that.

So. 8AM it was. Rise and shine. I started the computer and opened the topic list for CT2. Fifty-six frakkin topics. Revision has been a crawl the past few days and ground-covering was minimal due to procrastination, but I think I will leave that story for another day.

Dejected, I went to the bathroom to wash up. The glistening morning sun shone majestically. Almost naturally, I had the greatest of epiphanies at that very moment. It was as though the masters of the world collectively imparted the answers to the greatest mysteries ever. To me. Everything became crystal clear.

With an almost murderous streak in my eyes, I sprinted to my desk and picked off where I left. Things have never been this easy. In hindsight, each and every topic of the syllabus was child's play. I tormented elucidation questions and dried the bloodstream of differential equations, stepping over the rotting carcasses of graph functions. Nothing could stop me. Not even gravitation. I realised how misconstrued that statement was when I started floating up into the skies. As I accelerated uncontrollably, oxygen escaped my lungs as I very nearly escaped orbit. I'm too young. Death can wait. "ALRIGHT FINE GRAVITATION YOU CAN STOP ME!" I conceded.

Finally completing descent, I sat by the desk, feeling exhausted yet accomplished.


I completed my revision.

More than that, I am going to excel. I knew it.

Bob Marley's jingle started flowing all around. "Don't worry, about a thing..." No shit indeed, I thought to myself smugly. The volume of that ditty started escalating to irritating levels. Disgruntled, I turned to snooze the alarm.


Damn it, it was all a dream.

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