Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sheltered toilets

Upon receiving notification of the latest upgrades going on in our school from CommzD, I couldn't help but draw inferences and allusions to life in RJ. The toilet makes for a good example. The new heated showers references the general trend of workload intensity. Turning the knob a little very often yields results of disproportionate magnitudes, with water temperatures reaching scalding levels in minute intervals, similar to how we suddenly realise we're in a shitload of assignments and tutorials right after you left them to frolic for a second. The 90% failure rate of the plastic locks in both the shower and toilet cubicles (I once walked into a construction worker, um, constructing something) tells us that whether you like it or not, you are constantly watched, so be on the alert and cover your ass. And of course, the sodomisingly high pressured ass sprayjets in the toilet cubicles as an alternative to the conventional toilet paper tells us that if you don't do your papers and get your paper (degree), you have to be quite literally, fucked in the ass. Alternatively you can just opt to leave without employing either means, a choice that gives you a blemished record along with a very foul stench.

Also, who can forget the increasing number of shelters being constructed? Very naturally, one would make the direct link to how we all are sheltered kids, a common assumption I'm too lazy to contest. And my train of thought just derailed, because I suddenly remembered how the downpour this afternoon had me running along the supposedly sheltered PAC corridor only to be drenched quite severely. For sensationalism I would say I slipped and fell, not before I saved two drowning damsels in distress. But because these did not happen, and credibility is an imperative requirement of professional journalism, I wouldn't. Point is, the shelters are a good call. Keep it up.

By the way, I really hate cliffhangers because they are

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