Saturday, May 1, 2010

The A Level Guide To...

As members of the TP Gang we have constantly sought to observe and analyse the intricate social happenings within the community ( read: gossip) , coming up with various theories and formulas to explain why and how such social phenomenon happen, specialising of course in the profound and highly emphasised upon boy girl relationships in school. Hi, my name is soley, and I will be the main academic for this nonsense on Decaphilic Musings.

For today's post, we shall be examining key terms and phrases commonly used when topics of such nature come about.

Asexual: The intention of not wanting to get close to any girl to reap benefits or the like, mantaining healthy friendships with them. It is a lifestyle that some of us in the TPgang have chosen to adopt, as it spares us from much of the heartache that some of our friends face.

Okay i actually came up with only one sorry couldnt think of the rest at this point, BUT whenever i do i shall add it on. soz.

look out for more academic posts by soley aka asexual.

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