Sunday, May 9, 2010

Explanation for recent spate of inactivity

Very simple actually. Lack of time and lack of inspiration.

There you go.

Speaking of things to write about; remember the last time I talked about cliffhangers? Okay I won't make a fool out of you this time. I promise.

So here goes. You know what I love best about this seemingly simple yet elaborately intricate literary device? You never know when one is about to lurk behind and creep up in your face.

Faces. Saw a good one not too long ago. Which brings me to a great story. The other day, while I was on my daily commute back home, I witnessed before me the most exquisite looking female ever, embodying the lie that real estate agents have created in a bid to boost sales revenue- the girl next door. However, looks are deceiving for the simple fact that my only neighbour is a schizophrenic old man who mistakes the lift for a urinal. Again, great things happen in Tampines (by now you should be brought back to the scene on the bus, because I am not referring to the neighbour here). So there I was, awestruck, for she had the biggest, most exotic pair of

eyes I had ever seen.So, being the man that I was, I walked up to her confidently and said with my best baritone voice,"

(to be continued)

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