Sunday, May 2, 2010


Here we see the importance of definitions. Which begs to remind us of the importance of expectations. If you have high targets set and you fail to achieve them, it is unavoidable to perceive yourself as a failure. So the utilitarian approach here would be to lower expectations to increase contentment. But when that happens, excellence will not usually be achieved. Long story short, we are always faced with the choice of hedonism or working towards long term greatness. However, while short term play makes you happy, it will screw your ass tomorrow and you will be sad; while similarly, working hard now will promise you a bright future, but by then would you be happy?

Well I'm stuck at Vectors Tutorial when my download of Glee just finished, so this thought was naturally bred, since the law of vectors imply that no matter how much you run about in paths or circles, there is zero distance and hence no work done if you land at your starting point, while Glee simply tells me to follow my dreams; basically two very conflicting messages. However, this unfortunately just led me to wasting more time, writing this.

Wow, this post turned out to be a lot more serious than I thought.

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