Sunday, May 23, 2010

The case against GP

So you think GP is the all-encompassing, multifarious discipline that will add substance to your otherwise mundane regurgitation of facts and formulae? That it will help you achieve greatness in life and it has been rightfully placed at the core of the MOE concentric circle thing?

Fig 1.1: A purported draft diagram from MOE.

Well it is time to wake up your idea, because you sound like a fag and your shit is all retarded.

Just look at Fig 1.1. It is clearly modelled after a freshly violated sphincter ani externus, very much representative of what GP, at the very core, is out to achieve upon us students (assrape). Also there exists the glaring mathematical incoherence in the diagrammatic illustration, for the outer shells still triumph the inner cores in 2-dimensional area. Hence there is also the likely possibility that this was drafted by a proponent of the GP curriculum, too stupid to use π(r12 - r22) to notice sheer arithmetical fallacy in her deductions in the blind pursuit of logic. Why 'her'? Firstly, GP teachers are mostly female. Secondly, I stereotype- it's much faster.

Touted as means for students to develop critical thought and hence make sound decisions, it actually very barely effects us at all at any point in our lives. Policymakers are such a low percentage of the population, and since making sound decisions only applies to them, GP should be offered as an elective at age 50 and above. This elective should be made compulsory for nuclear physicists though.

To err is human and to forgive divine. Incorrect decisions as a result of unsound logical deductions are perfectly approved by god! In fact forgiving every stupid mistake made by yourself and others actually puts you in higher regard. Throw your EZlink down the drain? No problem, free replacement! Lost your passport in transit? No sweat, just go on through! Friend crashed your Lambo after borrowing it? Its okay! Insurance will cover it! As can be seen, a world like such is almost utopic.

Do your part for Utopia! Hand up blank scripts this Wednesday!

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