Monday, May 10, 2010

Prove the equation Mr Low = Ip Man

Today, while listening during the lecture on how to determine angles between a vector and a plane, my mind could not help but wander- for my mind has been conditionally reflexed to do so upon the mention of the word plane, because it represents aerial freedom. With the movies watched over the weekend still fresh in my head, I took a solid glance at my lecturer.

Holy shit. It was unmistakable. That unwavering confidence. That calm composure in the face of danger. The imposing yet approachable stature of a peaceful warrior. There was no other explanation. Mr Low is a modern incarnation of Bruce Lee's master.

In the spirit of the discipline of mathematics, I will prove the equation that is this post's namesake.

"Look! Elmo Sees a Christmas Tree!"

Hence, by the Laws of Photoelectric Induction, Maclaurin's senility, Hammer of Thor and Loincloths of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe,

RI(JC) Math Lecturer 


Ip Man (shown)

Convinced? You should be. With my newfound perspective and respect for this great Chinese hero, I looked up upon the stage, and this was what I saw.

 "a equals to lambda b. Hence a and b are parallel vectors." - Ip Man

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