Sunday, May 23, 2010

The case against GP

So you think GP is the all-encompassing, multifarious discipline that will add substance to your otherwise mundane regurgitation of facts and formulae? That it will help you achieve greatness in life and it has been rightfully placed at the core of the MOE concentric circle thing?

Fig 1.1: A purported draft diagram from MOE.

Well it is time to wake up your idea, because you sound like a fag and your shit is all retarded.

Just look at Fig 1.1. It is clearly modelled after a freshly violated sphincter ani externus, very much representative of what GP, at the very core, is out to achieve upon us students (assrape). Also there exists the glaring mathematical incoherence in the diagrammatic illustration, for the outer shells still triumph the inner cores in 2-dimensional area. Hence there is also the likely possibility that this was drafted by a proponent of the GP curriculum, too stupid to use π(r12 - r22) to notice sheer arithmetical fallacy in her deductions in the blind pursuit of logic. Why 'her'? Firstly, GP teachers are mostly female. Secondly, I stereotype- it's much faster.

Touted as means for students to develop critical thought and hence make sound decisions, it actually very barely effects us at all at any point in our lives. Policymakers are such a low percentage of the population, and since making sound decisions only applies to them, GP should be offered as an elective at age 50 and above. This elective should be made compulsory for nuclear physicists though.

To err is human and to forgive divine. Incorrect decisions as a result of unsound logical deductions are perfectly approved by god! In fact forgiving every stupid mistake made by yourself and others actually puts you in higher regard. Throw your EZlink down the drain? No problem, free replacement! Lost your passport in transit? No sweat, just go on through! Friend crashed your Lambo after borrowing it? Its okay! Insurance will cover it! As can be seen, a world like such is almost utopic.

Do your part for Utopia! Hand up blank scripts this Wednesday!

Friday, May 21, 2010

The case for ponning PE

In light of a recent spike in this trend, we will examine why people would sacrifice good old-fashioned physical activity for 2 hours of aimless time.

Well, you see there? I just answered the question. You get 2 hours of free time. In that amount of time, you can:
  1. Study. Not trying to be a prude here but as a wise man once said, failing in secondary school poses little damage, whereas doing the same hurts like a bitch here in JC. Maturity is indeed sobering, especially in times of stupidity.
  2. Eat. Food is awesome enough said.
  3. Avoid injuries. As the saying goes, nothing is certain but death and taxes. What this translate into is the ignorance of the possibility of injury, heightened in times of physical activity. But this is something you know that you do not know, so at least you know something. What would be scary would be the things you do not know you do not know, which brings me to the story of
The story of today is an interesting one. Just like the previous two, the wet weather allowed for the cancellation of assembly. Which is quite honestly a very arbitrary process just to disseminate information. You assemble, you listen to some crap you don't care about anyway, then you disassemble. Its just like playing with Lego blocks, but with less educational value. And lol to the word 'disseminate'; your mom gave birth to you because she couldn't disseminate in time. Oh, snap!

That was some serious digression. I think I have attention deficit disorder. Is that a cow?

That was some unprecedented digression. Continuing with the story of Today. With the cancellation of morning assembly, everyone were pon stars in their own rights. I bumbled along for PE, after ponning two in a fortnight, for the fact that I was guilt-ridden for having so much pon in my system. It just wasn't healthy. So, PE: touch rugby on the field; sounds awesome right?

Pictured: Rugby.
Not pictured: Touch rugby during PE

[Spoiler Alert!]

It sucked.

With the field drenched, we decided it would be cool to play barefoot.

[Spoiler Alert!]

It wasn't.

Even the, we decided we should be the men that we were and trudge on in the face of adversity. After all, what else could go wrong?

[Spoiler Alert!]


With our shoes and socks removed and our feet naked, we reckoned that there would be more traction and grip, being closer to nature's design and shit, right?

[Spoiler Alert!]

There wasn't.

I should retire that gag. I have trouble finding the [ ] brackets on my keyboard. ( ) + -  & ; * % DAMN IT WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU

Hence to make a long story short and cut to the chase without beating about the bush and have the buddha jump over the wall, you know how they always say still water runs deep? Total bullshit. Puddles in the field were barely still and they sure weren't shallow either. Basically, touch rugby today was squishing around mud and sliding in it when you fail to brake comprehensively, which happens whether you want it or not when you start running at the speed I run at, which is pretty damn slow actually. Essentially, physics was defied today, where inertia existed only as a form of delusion into thinking you will eventually stop as you slide around at uncontrolled paces, clinging on to dear life. Wait, you aren't in control if you were sliding around in the first place, I apologise for my uninformed expression. Hence, as an advocate of energy conservation, I personally feel that malls and corporations should take heed and replace all escalators/travellators with mud slides- saves a bunch of energy and gets peoples' fat asses to have a bit of exercise.

When the final whistle blew, I stepped out of the war zone, belligerent. Stained with blotches of mud, I looked back at how I thought that PE was the missing ingredient to leading a balanced and wholesome curriculum. Ah, such naivete. With my newfound wisdom, pon PE I say. Frakking dirt and grime is not frakking worth it.


Friday, May 14, 2010

lifting spirits

In light of the failing elevators in school, we have decided that something needs to be done. Here at TPGang, we are often misconstrued as social misfits and miscreants, but that is only because of our unorthodox (in comparison with the other elites) upbringing methods that landscape the fundamentals of Tampineian humility. In fact, it is this very breeding technique that has cultivated in us a refreshing point of view on most things, which culminates into our double existence as an think tank that provides alternative ideas to everyday problems. What our main existence is still yet to be determined.

That being said, before we start on the brainstorming, we have to dissolve the problem into smaller separate yet interlinked magnitudes. Very much like how Paul has his Wheel of Reasoning, and how there is also the Train of Thought, here we have Tam's Pines; where Tam was in fact the surname of the founder of our hometown, and Pines is a deliberate misspelling of the original word so as not to offend his mother-in-law.

The Problem
Without further ado, at the cusp of Tam's Pines would be the problem. What we have identified in recent times is a surprising decrease in load capacity of lift A in block A. With a plaque above the controls that proudly declares its year of manufacture along with its (theoretical) capacity of 20 persons, you would be lucky if it carries 8 guys up these days. Which brings me to a side note of how

The lift is a judgemental bitch
What can be worse than a mental person? A mental judge.
Once it becomes clear that there is no way in hell the door is going to close, stares are thrown in all directions. Queasiness are at insurmountable levels especially when most passengers do not know each other. However, here in the glorious institution, the courtesy to sacrifice yourself for the greater good is almost non-existent - after all, no elite in his right mind would trade off the chance at elevation with the momentary gratitude received for volunteering to mingle with the dirty peasants of Staircaseland. So now, there surfaces the interesting question, of whose factual accuracy has been constantly debated since the invention of arguments:

Who gets out?
I am sick of writing in prose so the following will be presented in the form of a flowchart.

Figure 1.1: Fate determinism of lift passenger

To summarise, in order to secure yourself a good place in that little room,
  1. Be at one of the four corners
  2. Don't be fat
These are tightly held trade secrets only divulged on select occasions. Please only spread when you have selected the occasion for when you want to divulge them.

The workload solution:
With a clear understanding of the pertinent problems, we can come up with effective solutions. In a school like ours, a heavy workload is synonymous with our culture. Obviously this imposes upon us extra weight, which makes us heavier, which causes the lift to spoil faster. Equated mathematically,

Total mass M = g × (weight of person + weight of workload) × number of people

Which is pretty damn heavy. Taking g and weight of person to be constant, we still have to take into account the fact that the weight of workload is an increasing function with respect to time. And not forgetting, in some special scenarios, the person's weight is also an increasing function with respect to time. Hahaha fat piggish bastards.

Hence, the logical approach here would be to reduce workload. Not only does this solve the weight problem, it also reduces costs (by means of more efficacy and less maintenance required), a reason why Estate has restricted student usage of the elevators anyway. However, the central tenet of homework grumbles is and will be such a recurring theme on this blog that it will potentially bore readers and drive them away, so we have decided to skip it in its entirety. It will be included in the Appendix though, Sloman page 97 section III. I will not go through please read it on your own.

The better solution:
Scrap the mechanical and electronic aspects of the current elevators. Instead, if budgetary constraints permit, lifts A and B should be re-purposed to connect to each other via pulley system.

Figure 1.2: How traditional boring lifts work

Figure 1.3: Proposed re-purpose of current lifts

The methodology of these new creations are very simple. All the passengers have to do is to balance the weights of the two cars such that the passengers of each car can arrive at their respective destinations. When the system is established completely, a league-cup system can be put into place. Heaviest people get relegated weekly to remain at ground level at all times, constantly at the beck and call of the healthier ones to weight the new elevator system such that they can be raised to appropriate levels. Not only does this solve our root problem, this strategy also provides constant motivation for everyone to keep fit.

Okay done.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Prove the equation Mr Low = Ip Man

Today, while listening during the lecture on how to determine angles between a vector and a plane, my mind could not help but wander- for my mind has been conditionally reflexed to do so upon the mention of the word plane, because it represents aerial freedom. With the movies watched over the weekend still fresh in my head, I took a solid glance at my lecturer.

Holy shit. It was unmistakable. That unwavering confidence. That calm composure in the face of danger. The imposing yet approachable stature of a peaceful warrior. There was no other explanation. Mr Low is a modern incarnation of Bruce Lee's master.

In the spirit of the discipline of mathematics, I will prove the equation that is this post's namesake.

"Look! Elmo Sees a Christmas Tree!"

Hence, by the Laws of Photoelectric Induction, Maclaurin's senility, Hammer of Thor and Loincloths of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe,

RI(JC) Math Lecturer 


Ip Man (shown)

Convinced? You should be. With my newfound perspective and respect for this great Chinese hero, I looked up upon the stage, and this was what I saw.

 "a equals to lambda b. Hence a and b are parallel vectors." - Ip Man

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Explanation for recent spate of inactivity

Very simple actually. Lack of time and lack of inspiration.

There you go.

Speaking of things to write about; remember the last time I talked about cliffhangers? Okay I won't make a fool out of you this time. I promise.

So here goes. You know what I love best about this seemingly simple yet elaborately intricate literary device? You never know when one is about to lurk behind and creep up in your face.

Faces. Saw a good one not too long ago. Which brings me to a great story. The other day, while I was on my daily commute back home, I witnessed before me the most exquisite looking female ever, embodying the lie that real estate agents have created in a bid to boost sales revenue- the girl next door. However, looks are deceiving for the simple fact that my only neighbour is a schizophrenic old man who mistakes the lift for a urinal. Again, great things happen in Tampines (by now you should be brought back to the scene on the bus, because I am not referring to the neighbour here). So there I was, awestruck, for she had the biggest, most exotic pair of

eyes I had ever seen.So, being the man that I was, I walked up to her confidently and said with my best baritone voice,"

(to be continued)

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Here we see the importance of definitions. Which begs to remind us of the importance of expectations. If you have high targets set and you fail to achieve them, it is unavoidable to perceive yourself as a failure. So the utilitarian approach here would be to lower expectations to increase contentment. But when that happens, excellence will not usually be achieved. Long story short, we are always faced with the choice of hedonism or working towards long term greatness. However, while short term play makes you happy, it will screw your ass tomorrow and you will be sad; while similarly, working hard now will promise you a bright future, but by then would you be happy?

Well I'm stuck at Vectors Tutorial when my download of Glee just finished, so this thought was naturally bred, since the law of vectors imply that no matter how much you run about in paths or circles, there is zero distance and hence no work done if you land at your starting point, while Glee simply tells me to follow my dreams; basically two very conflicting messages. However, this unfortunately just led me to wasting more time, writing this.

Wow, this post turned out to be a lot more serious than I thought.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The A Level Guide To...

As members of the TP Gang we have constantly sought to observe and analyse the intricate social happenings within the community ( read: gossip) , coming up with various theories and formulas to explain why and how such social phenomenon happen, specialising of course in the profound and highly emphasised upon boy girl relationships in school. Hi, my name is soley, and I will be the main academic for this nonsense on Decaphilic Musings.

For today's post, we shall be examining key terms and phrases commonly used when topics of such nature come about.

Asexual: The intention of not wanting to get close to any girl to reap benefits or the like, mantaining healthy friendships with them. It is a lifestyle that some of us in the TPgang have chosen to adopt, as it spares us from much of the heartache that some of our friends face.

Okay i actually came up with only one sorry couldnt think of the rest at this point, BUT whenever i do i shall add it on. soz.

look out for more academic posts by soley aka asexual.